Tuesday 3 January 2017

Beautiful like a Princess

We often hear stories that start something like "Once upon a time, there was a poor girl who was beautiful like a princess". Princess is the daughter of a king, why is it that the daughter of King should always be beautiful??? because she is rich? Why a princess always has to be beautiful?

Somewhere in our sub conscious mind it is deep rooted that anything good has to be physically beautiful and any ugly thing is bad or ugly even represents evil. I know most of you will disagree but I will urge all of you to sit back and think. Be it the bed time stories of kids, cartoons, movies.

This is something which we have inherited, it is rooted deep into our minds and this gives birth to a lot of evil. Due to this evil, we hurt so many souls unknowingly everyday and make many souls feel miserable.

When I was in junior section, one of my best friend, two year younger, who was an excellent, outstanding person - she was the best in studies, painting, dance, singing. People said she sang like Lata Mangeskar. She was making a painting which was like WOW, at that time I could hardly hold the brush properly.  I mean I made classical paintings but that looked like modern art ;). I was really amazed at her painting and I said when you take it to school tomorrow maam is really going to like this and she will love you so much. She continued painting without giving any expression, in fact I could see some pain in her eyes.

I asked what happened, you dont like your painting? I can still remember her answer and the amount of pain that was there in her voice. She was like 5 years old, and she could sense that. She said, I am so dark na, so people dont like me that much. My maam will surely praise and will give me 1st prize but she loves other kids who are beautiful. Just the color of skin makes so much of difference that we make a small kid feel miserable. From that early stage in life, we start killing their self respect, we make their life so difficult. We make them feel miserable at every step of life. The school she was in, was the best school of the city and a very reputable institution for decades, where special precautions are taken so that all kids are treated equally - then what goes wrong???

Is it the same story of a "beautiful LIKE PRINCESS"? Why are we so obsessed with the physical beauty in ALL aspects of our life. I see this kind of discrimination everyday everywhere; in and around me. Most of it is committed by people even without knowing it. Something has to change, our stories have to start with "_______"?. Let us not tell our kids the story where the focus is on the physical appearance. The stories should have strong focus on Karma and the inner beauty. Hero need NOT be handsome, hero should be a GOOD person with a kind, loving, compassionate, golden heart.

Let us change this world, this is not going to cost anything - not even time. If you are not sensitive, you are not human.

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